
Questions from the Dependants category are listed below. Some questions won't appear in the Estimate Stage and you will only need to answer them during the Application Stage - and this is highlighted on each question below.

Please note that unless you apply for Dependants’ Allowance, you will not be able to claim for Childcare Allowance. This section is only accessible if you have stated in the 'Personal Information' section that you have a child (or children) in your care who is/are wholly or mainly financially dependent on you, and if you claimed dependants allowance in the 'Dependants' section. 

Will your child/children be receiving registered or approved childcare?

Students who are in receipt of, or who will be applying for an NHS Bursary can also apply for further financial help if they have to pay for registered childcare whilst they are attending their course. The allowance is intended as an additional means of help towards childcare costs but it will not cover all of your costs.

In line with Welsh Government regulations, the provider must be registered with CIW or Ofsted as a childminder/childminding service. 

Nanny’s are regarded as a Child Carer.  “Approved” nannies are different from “registered services” and are not regulated/inspected in the same way, therefore are unable to be used as a provider.

You must use a childminder or day-care provider registered by the Care Inspectorate Wales (CIW) under part of the Children Act 1989 (b). In England, childminders and day-care providers are registered by the Office for Standards in Education (OFSTED), or you must use a provider who has been approved by a specially accredited organisation.


Only select Yes in this question if your child is receiving registered approved childcare. If you're not sure if the childcare you use/intend to use meets these criteria, you can check online with CIW (for Wales) or OFSTED (for England). 

Will you, your spouse, civil partner or partner claim Working Tax Credit during the forthcoming academic year?

If you care claiming Working Tax Credit you will not be able to claim childcare allowance. This does not refer to Child Tax Credits

Will you, your spouse, civil partner or partner claim the childcare element of Working Tax Credit during the forthcoming academic year?

If you are claiming Working Tax Credit you will not be able to claim childcare allowance as you are already claiming from another organisation. Please note that this does not refer to Child Tax Credits.

Do you wish to claim Childcare Allowance?

Select Yes to claim. 

If you wish to claim, please complete the Weekly childcare cost, the number of your children attending the childcare setting, and the number of weeks they will attend the setting. 

Please note that this does not refer to Child Tax Credits.

Childcare Provider

Next, please add details of the Childcare Provider that you use. If you use more than one, you can add additional Childcare Providers later. Please use the tick boxes to select which of your children attends each Childcare Provider. 

You can find the information provided on the relevant website


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